Budgets Can Expose Some Cold Hard Home Truths
Doing a budget can be the simple solution to rectifying a challenging financial situation but few people do a budget because it exposes spending habits which they prefer to keep hidden. Many people do not want to change their habits despite it costing them an arm and a leg. There are two parts to a budget. Your income and your spending. Your income can be wages from a job, profit from a business, or income from investments. Your spending covers everything which is costing you money. In short if it makes you money it is income and if it costs you money it is spending. If you can do some simple maths you will soon discover whether you are left with a surplus or a deficit. If you have a surplus and you are in debt, use the money to pay off your debt. If you do not have any debts you can use some or all of your surplus for one or more of your goals; this could be saving for a holiday, saving for a house deposit, saving for a car, or investing it in the share market. There are so many...